I am a budding filmmaker and podcast producer. My dream is to work media production in the development sector and improve mediums of representation. I am French but have never lived there; I moved to Togo when I was 6 months and then to the UK
at the age of 6.
I believe in connecting and healing. My current interests in education, community-building and mental health were shaped by my experiences working with refugees in Jordan and Italy, as well as with children of undocumented migrants in Saudi, where I come from. My curiosity growing up was expressed mostly through the camera, hence my passion for photography and film.
I love music - electronic and word music in particular. I’m mostly British with a splash of Irish, and have lived in England all my life. Music has given me a platform to explore the ways that it influences culture, and vice versa. I hope to start my own charity once I graduate.
I'm British but my Grandmother is German although I never met her she emigrated here just before WW2. I migrated to Malaysia and Indonesia for 3 years to work before coming back to study. After I graduate I hope to work with refugees in emergency settings.